Cheryl O'Hearn

Sales Representative

Meet Cheryl, where personal connection and your real estate aspirations intertwine seamlessly. "Don't find yourself in Peril ... Call Cheryl" - A motto that signifies her dedication to your tranquility and success. With a heart tuned to the subtle joys of life and a professional approach focused on your unique desires, Cheryl is more than a realtor; she is a compassionate guide in your real estate journey. Reach out and explore a partnership that moves beyond transactions to realize what truly moves you in the world of real estate.

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Cheryl O'Hearn

"Don't find yourself in Peril ... Call Cheryl"

Let me ask you a question....what moves you?   For me is it the sound of the waves or embracing opportunities to learn and grow or seeing the happy faces of clients who have achieved their Real Estate goals.

I am committed to helping you reach your Real Estate goals and look forward to talking with you about all the things that move you.

Please feel free to call me anytime at 905-993-2498.

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